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How Independent Retailers Can Compete Against Chain Stores And Stuff Their Christmas Stockings With Market Share!


Don’t compete be unique!

A while back I went to Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, CA with my sister and niece. We had lunch at the Kula Revolving Sushi Bar and looked around at the shops. What really struck me was the special feeling that came with just being there. A musician played Beatles music on a sitar in the square, and the shops were filled with unique imports from Japan. At the Kula Bar which is a wonderful experience in itself, conveyor belts bring small $2 plates of fresh made sushi past your table and you pick out what you want to try,.Wait staff in black and white uniforms stand diligently at your every need–making their customers feel special and welcome. What drew me into the shops there and had me spending money,were the Japanese imports. The shops were filled with colorful items with everything from inexpensive t-shirts with Japanese writing on them, incense,iconic paper lanterns,and clothing,to shops specializing in anime costumes and DVD’s. It was a memorable experience and we plan to go back soon.

If you worry about chain stores in your area, find ways that you can stand out and be different.

Create a one of a kind experience for shoppers that they can’t find in a chain retailer. When they wander in your store, give them the “wow” experience. As an independent retailer you have strengths and opportunities that chain retailers can’t compete with you on. Differentiate yourself not on price but experience and products.
Create a fun, welcoming, and enjoyable experience for your customers.
Find unique products that customers can’t find in the big box chain stores. Chain stores have to go by what their buyers buy–you don’t. Look on-line for unique and interesting items.
Switch it up once in a while—rearrange store items and decor so that customers see things in a different light or to feel new to repeat customers.
Arrange lighting to emphasize your imported teapots, hand knitted sweaters from Ireland, or specialty stuffed animals from Germany.
Put some time into social media. The big box stores neglect to spend time in this arena. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and especially Google+. Think locally. Connect with people in your community. Find out what they are looking for.
You have an opportunity to introduce new or different products that large retailers don’t. Chain stores have uniformity, you have uniqueness.
Also include a website with an on-line catalog. IT is estimated that about half of shoppers will be searching on-line for gifts starting on Thanksgiving morning!

Have a unique and special Holiday Season!

If you would like to read more about competing against chain stores:

Why Should You Make Google+ Your Next Social Homie #Hangout?

southpark homies

Because the other social networks weren’t created by the Google search engine. You know, the one with the largest market share of search on the internet? If you’re like me, you wonder…what’s going to be the best return on the time that I put into a social network? From an SEO perspective or If you have a business or content that you would like to promote and help rank your stuff on the Google search engine,Google+ is the peak way to go. Here are some compelling reasons to start focusing on Google+ as your main social network site:

  • Each post that you make on Google+ has it’s own URL and could have a positive impact on your search results.
  • When a business joins Google+ it is given prime territory in search results.
  • If you have a business you will see better local search results for your products or services.
  • FaceBook posts don’t get crawled or indexed by the Google but, Google+ posts get crawled and indexed immediately.
  • Google+ has 1.15 billion (2013) registered users—300 million active users, 20 million active mobile users. This is phenomenal growth over 2012 in which they had 435 million registered users. FaceBook still has the largest number of active users with 1 billion active users.
  • In terms of search ranking coefficients (Which sites have the best return on time investment for SEO), it goes Google+, FaceBook Shares & Likes, Pinterest, and Tweets..
  • Number of Fortune 500 companies with a Google+ account =177

So many social networks, so little time! If you’re looking for the “one”. The SEO chupacabra. The one that gives you the best return on your SEO time, try out Google+, post good stuff, join some circles and and see if it helps in your search ranking .

If you need a business plan contact me at :

At What Point Can You File A Lawsuit For A Bad Online Review Or Defamation?



A Harvard study found that a one star rating increase on a Yelp review can increase revenue for a company by 5-7% On the other hand…if a reader performs a search on Google and comes across bitterly negative criticism of a business it can mean a whopping drop of 70% in revenue for a company!

With the reputation and revenues of companies on the line, many business owners are wondering when is it time to call a lawyer and pursue a defamation lawsuit for a ruinous review.

Defamation is the act of making untrue statements about a person that damages his or her reputation. As stated in dictionary
Some statements such as an accusation of having committed a crime, having a feared disease or being unable to perform one’s occupation are called libel per se or slander per se and can more easily lead to large money awards in court and even punitive damage recovery by the person harmed.
Two surgeons In Arizona were awarded $12 million dollars after a woman created a website devoted to how the two of them botched her plastic surgery.

  • If a yelp review is negative and found to be defamatory the poster of that review can be sued. 
  • Lawyers are aggressively defending companies of bad reviews if defamation is found.
  • Anonymous reviews are not protected under the first amendment and Yelp is now required to divulge the person behind the review
  • .Freedom of speech does not protect your defamatory statements.

Recent awards for online defamation:


  • $150,00 to a business owner whose former partner posted fake reviews of his company online’
  • $11.3 million to a woman in Florida from a woman that called her a “crook” and a “fraud”.
  • $13.8 million to a couple from Texas who faced online anonymous false comments of them being drug dealers, molesters, and sexual deviants.

With the award in Florida:
“Scheff says she wanted to make a point to those who unfairly criticize others on the Internet. “I’m sure (Bock) doesn’t have $1 million, let alone $11 million, but the message is strong and clear,” Scheff says. “People are using the Internet to destroy people they don’t like, and you can’t do that.”

A good lawyer who deals with online defamation and an investigative team can locate the online poster defaming your reputation.

If you want to be the one who writes the review for a product or service–make sure that the statements are factual and true, and that you have others backing your statement.



Google, Samuel Adams Beer Company, and Sony-Three Great Companies That Foster the Entrepreneurial Spirit and Step Up To Help Your Startup



Out of 128 countries, The World Bank ranks New Zealand number 1 in terms of the least number of obstacles in starting a company! The United States is ranked 13th and Japan is 114th. To bring about a greater entrepreneurial environment in the United States and create an innovated way of offering help to those creating a business, Google and Samuel Adams Beer Company has dedicated funds and is offering workshops and consulting! In Japan, the former CEO of Sony is offering venture capital and consulting to improve and cultivate a culture in Japan that embraces startups!

     Google is partnering with tech hubs in London, Tel Aviv, Minneapolis, Chicago, Waterloo, Nashville, Durham, Denver and Detroit. The partnership offers workshops, events, and co-working space. The tech centers will be upgraded with technical and infrastructure upgrades. Check out Google’s Entrepreneur site at:

     If you have an amazing product in the food and beverage or hospitality industry, Samuel Adams Brewing Company teamed up with Accion and created Brewing The American Dream which offers help in the form of financing and advice to help you get started! You can check that out at:

     In Japan, in an effort to bring about change in a culture that would embrace entrepreneurial growth, Nobuyuki Idei, the former CEO of Sony, is a champion of the entrepreneurial scene in Japan, creating a venture fund, design consultancy and a salon for entrepreneurs. If you would like to read more about Mr. Idei, you can do that at:

     It’s exciting that new opportunities and resources are becoming available and easier for those needing help with their startups!

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